Sunday, July 31, 2011

Light Metering

Proper exposure times are essential with any kind of photography, especially when you use slide film that has a narrow exposure range. Since the sky can have huge differences in brightness, it requires a bit of experience using your exposure meter properly. In some cases you won't get away with just aiming your camera at some part of the sky and taking a photo, putting all your faith in the camera's light meter.


Reducing Camera Shake

We've all likely encountered this problem many times: blurry photos due to camera shake with hand-held shots. It's especially prevalent for those of us who are unfortunate enough to have unsteady hands. While it cannot be eliminated entirely, fortunately there's a number of steps you can take to greatly reduce its impact — and hopefully prevent it from becoming visible in the first place.


Intro to Portrait Lighting

Good lighting is a critical component of portraiture. It's also easily identifiable even by the casual observer. However, despite this apparent simplicity, knowing how to use light to achieve a desired look requires a much deeper understanding. This introductory tutorial discusses the most basic scenario: portraits with one light source. Subsequent tutorials will discuss setups with multiple lights, but the same principles discussed here still apply.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fixing validation error for backup CID

cd \
cd root\adb
adb-windows devices <---- Make sure it finds your phone before continuing
adb-windows shell <----- You should see a $
$ /system/__unrevoked_su <---- Getting temp root # cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/misc.img <---- Copying misc to your SD Card
# getprop ro.cid <----- This is your CID. Remember what this says, it should say something like HTC_000 or 1111111 if you have a goldcard
# exit
adb-windows pull /sdcard/misc.img misc.img <---- Getting the misc we copied before

You should now have a file called misc.img in the C:\root\adb folder.

Now come on to the IRC help channel here. We will stick the CID into the misc.img so you can carry on as it really is complicated. You can also post here if nobody is avalible and I will sort it ASAP.

(If you’ve done hex editing before, all you do is put the CID you got above in at position 0 then add a 00 at the end so the hex string looks something like “48 54 43 5F 5F 30 30 31 00“)

Make sure you save the file that we give you back to C:\root\adb overwriting the original misc.img file.

Next we’re going to push misc back on to the phone using a similar method to step 1. Have open a command prompt and cd to the correct directory as in step 1 before proceeding.

2) Type the following in the command prompt:

adb push misc.img /sdcard/new-misc.img <---- Pushing misc back to your SD card
adb-windows shell
$ /system/__unrevoked_su <---- getting temp root again
# /data/local/flash_image misc /sdcard/new-misc.img <---- Using flash_image to flash the new misc
# exit